White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona


Step 1. Choose your tickets

White Rabbit es una forma divertida e interactiva de explorar la cultura de Barcelona más allá de los límites de los museos tradicionales. Adéntrate en un espacio donde el arte cobra vida y te invita a interactuar con él de maneras no convencionales.

Entrada válida para la fecha seleccionada.

  • Horario: de 10:00h a 20:00h (último acceso a las 19:00h)
  • Ubicación: Passeig de Gràcia, 55, Barcelona
  • El tiempo aproximado de visita es entre 60 y 90 minutos.
  • La visita está habilitada para personas con movilidad reducida.

General Admission (+14 years) White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona

Ticket valid for those aged 15 and over to visit White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona on the selected day.

Young Ticket (7-14 years) White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona

Ticket valid for children aged 7 to 14, both included, to visit White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona on the selected day.

Children's ticket (0-6 years) White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona

Ticket valid for children aged 0 to 6, both included, to visit White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona on the selected day.

Senior Ticket (+65 years) White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona

Ticket valid for those aged 65 and over, inclusive, to visit White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona on the selected day.

White Rabbit University Student Ticket The Off-Museum of Barcelona

Ticket valid for university students with identification document, to visit White Rabbit The Off-Museum of Barcelona on the selected day.
