Visita todo el recinto, tanto el exterior como el interior, a tu ritmo y disfrutando de los contenidos que se ofrecen. Un Capricho 100% Gaudí.
Ticket valid for people over 18 years old. Valid for one day only. Includes a free visit throughout the premises.
Ticket valid between 12 and 18 years old. Single use for the selected day. Includes a free visit throughout the premises.
Ticket valid from 7 to 12 years old. Single use for the selected day.Includes a free visit throughout the premises.
Free entry for children from 0 to 6 years old. Single use for the selected day.Includes a free visit throughout the premises.
Ticket valid for people over 65 years old. Single use for the selected day.Includes a free visit throughout the premises.
Ticket valid for people with a student card. Single use for the selected day. Includes a free visit throughout the premises.
Valid ticket for people with disabilities. Single use for the selected day. Includes a free visit throughout the premises.
Ticket valid for people with a large family. Single use for the selected day. Includes a free visit throughout the premises.
Ticket valid for people who prove that they are unemployed. Single use for the selected day. Includes a free visit throughout the premises.
Conoce el edificio de la mano de un guía experto. La mejor manera de disfrutar El Capricho de Gaudí.
Ticket valid for people over 18 years old. Single use for the selected day. This ticket includes a guided tour of the entire site.
Ticket valid between 12 and 18 years old. Single use for the selected day. This ticket includes a guided tour of the entire site.
Ticket valid from 7 to 12 years old. Single use for the selected day. This ticket includes a guided tour of the entire site.
Free entry for children from 0 to 6 years old. Single use for the selected day. This ticket includes a guided tour of the entire site.
Ticket valid for people over 65 years old. Single use for the selected day. This ticket includes a guided tour of the entire site.
Ticket valid for people with a student card. Single use for the selected day. This ticket includes a guided tour of the entire site.
Valid ticket for people with disabilities. Single use for the selected day. This ticket includes a guided tour of the entire site.
Ticket valid for people who prove that they are unemployed. Single use for the selected day. This ticket includes a guided tour of the entire site.
Ticket valid for people with a large family. Single use for the selected day.