Condiciones: Mínimo 20 escolares de pago entre 4 y 17 años, más sus profesores. Se entiende por grupo escolar todo aquel grupo que proceda de un centro escolar, asociaciones de jóvenes, centros juveniles, academias de estudios, centros deportivos, etc.
Gratuidades: Una entrada gratis para el profesor por cada 10 escolares de pago. El chófer del autobús podrá tener entrada a PortAventura Park gratuita presentando el carnet de conducir que le acredite.
Si el grupo elige tícket plus se entregará al profesor un vale de restauración de 10€, canjeable en cualquier punto de restauración del parque.
Entrada válida para visitar PortAventura Park 1 día.
Primary school entrance (4 to 11 years old). Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Valid for 1 day.
Secondary school entrance (12 to 17 years). Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Valid for 1 day.
Complimentary ticket for the teacher of the group as long as it meets the conditions of number of people needed. 1 free for every 10 paid students. Valid for 1 day.
Primary school entrance (4 to 11 years old). The ticket plus consists of a meal ticket redeemable for a meal menu with a drink in the self-service restaurants of the park that is accessed that day. Valid for groups with a minimum of 20 paid students. Valid for 1 day.
Secondary school entrance (12 to 17 years). The plus ticket consists of a meal ticket redeemable for a lunch menu with a drink in the self-service restaurants of the park accessed that day. Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Valid for 1 day.
Free admission for the teacher of the group as long as the number of people required is met. 1 free admission for every 10 paying students. Valid for 1 day. The teacher will receive a free €10 voucher for catering.
Gratuity for the driver of the group as long as he meets the conditions of the number of people necessary. Valid for 1 day.
Primary school entrance (4 to 11 years). The plus ticket consists of a meal ticket redeemable for a lunch menu with a drink in the self-service restaurants of the park accessed that day and 1 Express Max (card that gives access once per attraction to the Express service). Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Valid for 1 day.
Secondary school entrance (12 to 17 years). The plus ticket consists of a meal ticket redeemable for a lunch menu with a drink in the self-service restaurants of the park accessed that day and 1 Express Max (card that gives access once per attraction to the Express service). Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Valid for 1 day.
Entrada válida para visitar Ferrari Land 1 día.
Primary school ticket (4-11 years). Minimum 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.
Secondary school ticket (12-17 years). Minimum 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.
Gratuitousness for the teacher of the group as long as satisfies the condition of number of people needed. If the group chooses the plus ticket, we give the teacher a voucher of 10 €. Valid for 1 day.
Primary school ticket (4-11 years). The plus ticket is a meal ticket exchangeable for a menu with main dish, drink and dessert. Minimum 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.
Secondary school ticket (12-17 years). The plus ticket is a meal ticket exchangeable for a menu of main dish, drink and dessert. Minimum 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.
Gratuitousness for the teacher of the group as long as satisfies the condition of number of people needed. If the group chooses the plus ticket, we give the teacher a voucher of 10 €. Valid for 1 day.
Entrada válida para visitar Caribe Aquatic Park 1 día.
Primary school ticket (4-11 years). Minimum 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.
Secondary school ticket (12-17 years). Minimum 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.
Gratuitousness for the teacher of the group as long as satisfies the condition of number of people needed. Valid for 1 day.
Primary school ticket (4-11 years). The plus ticket is a meal ticket exchangeable for a menu of pasta, chicken, drink and dessert. (Subject to change depending on the restaurant menu).Minimum 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.
Secondary school ticket (12-17 years). The plus ticket is a meal ticket exchangeable for a menu of main dish, drink and dessert. (Subject to change depending on the restaurant menu).Minimum 20 paying persons. Valid for 1 day.
Gratuitousness for the teacher of the group as long as satisfies the condition of number of people needed. We give the teacher a voucher of 10 €. Valid for 1 day.
Válida para acceder a PortAventura y Ferrari Land en el mismo día.
Primary school entrance (4 to 11 years old). Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Includes access to PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land on the day of the visit during their opening hours.
Secondary school entrance (12 to 17 years old). Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Includes access to PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land on the day of the visit during their opening hours.
Free admission for the group's teacher as long as the group meets the conditions for the number of people required. Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Includes access to PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land on the day of the visit during their opening hours. 1 free admission for every 10 paying students. Valid for 1 day.
Primary school ticket (4 to 11 years). Includes access to PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land on the day of the visit during their opening hours. The plus ticket consists of a meal ticket redeemable for a lunch menu with a drink in the self-service restaurants of the park accessed on that day. Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Valid for 1 day.
Secondary school ticket (12 to 17 years). Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Includes access to PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land on the day of the visit during their opening hours. The plus ticket consists of a meal ticket redeemable for a lunch menu with a drink in the self-service restaurants of the park accessed that day. Valid for 1 day.
Complimentaryticket for the teacher of the group as long as it meets the conditions of number of people needed. Valid for groups with a minimum of 20 paid students. Includes access to PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land on the day of the visit within their opening hours. 1 free for every 10 paid students. Valid for 1 day. The teacher is given a free € 10 voucher for the restoration.
Free ticket for the driver of the group as long as satisfies the condition of number of people needed.Includes access to PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land on the day of the visit within their opening hours. Valid for 1 day.
Primary school ticket (4 to 11 years). Includes access to PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land on the day of the visit during their opening hours. The plus ticket consists of a meal ticket redeemable for a lunch menu with a drink in the self-service restaurants of the park accessed that day and 1 Express Max (card that gives access once per attraction to the Express service). Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Valid for 1 day.
Secondary school ticket (12 to 17 years). Includes access to PortAventura Park and Ferrari Land on the day of the visit during their opening hours. The plus ticket consists of a meal ticket redeemable for a lunch menu with a drink in the self-service restaurants of the park accessed that day and 1 Express Max (card that gives access once per attraction to the Express service). Valid for groups that meet the necessary conditions. Valid for 1 day.
Válida para acceder a Ferrari Land y PortAventura Park en el mismo día más otro acceso de 1 día a PortAventura Park, dentro de sus horarios de apertura. Las 2 visitas deben realizarse en un intervalo de 3 días.
Primary school entrance (4 to 11 years old). Valid for groups with a minimum of 20 paid students. Valid to access Ferrari Land and PortAventura Park on the same day plus another 1-day access to PortAventura Park, within its opening hours. The 2 visits must be made in an interval of 3 days