Condiciones: Se considera grupo mixto al formado por un mínimo de 20 personas de pago de cualquier categoría, con pre-reserva antes y para un día concreto.
Gratuidades: Una gratuidad por cada 20 personas de pago. Una gratuidad para el conductor en todas las categorías previa acreditación. Gratuidad solo en la entrada (no incluye menú).
Consultar en taquillas de grupos los restaurantes disponibles el día de la visita.
Válido para 1 día.
Rate applicable to people over 140cm . Mixed group is considered to consist of a minimum of 20 paying in any category. One free ticket for every 20 paying persons. One gratuity for the driver in all categories with acreditation. Only free entry (does not include menu).
Rate applicable to people measuring between 100 cm and 139 cm in height. A mixed group is considered one consisting of a minimum of 20 paying people of any category. One free charge for every 20 paying people. Free for the driver in all categories upon accreditation. Free entry only (menu not included).
Rate applicable to people to over 60 years old. Mixed group is considered to consist of a minimum of 20 paying persons in any category. One free ticket for every 20 paying persons. One gratuity for the driver in all categories with acreditation. Only free entry (does not include menu).
Free ticket for accompanying adult of the group provided that satisfies the condition number of people needed. Valid for 1 day.
Válido para 2 días consecutivos. El grupo que visita el segundo día deberán ser las mismas personas del primer día.
Rate applicable to school. School group formed by a minimum of 20 paids students. One teacher free for every 10 students (entry + menu). One gratuity for the driver, with accreditation (entry , does not include menu). Valid for 2 consecutive days.
Rate applicable to school. School group formed by a minimum of 20 paids students. One teacher free for every 10 students (entry + menu). One gratuity for the driver, with accreditation (entry , does not include menu). Valid for 2 consecutive days.
Rate applicable to school. School group formed by a minimum of 20 paids students. One teacher free for every 10 students (entry + menu). One gratuity for the driver, with accreditation (entry , does not include menu).
Suplemento para el adulto acompañante gratuito del grupo. Válida para el segundo día de visita.
Válida para el acceso de 1 día al parque Warner Beach. No incluye acceso al parque Warner.
Ticket valid for people over 140 cm tall. A mixed group is considered to be a group made up of a minimum of 20 paying people of any category. One free for every 20 paying people. One free for the driver in all categories after accreditation. Free only at the entrance (does not include menu).
Rate applicable to people measuring between 100 cm and 139 cm in height. A mixed group is considered one formed by a minimum of 20 paying people of any category. One free fee for every 20 paying people. Free for the driver in all categories upon accreditation. Free entry only (menu not included).
Rate applicable to people over 65 years of age. A mixed group is considered to be formed by a minimum of 20 paying people of any category. One free for every 20 paying people. One free for the driver in all categories after accreditation. Free only at the entrance (does not include menu).
Free for the adult accompanying the group as long as they meet the conditions for the number of people required. Valid for 1 day.
Precio del menú válido para 1 día.
Menu valid 1 day. Mixed group is considered to consist of a minimum of 20 paying persons for any category
Self-service menu for mixed groups. Includes 1 starter + 1 main course, bread, drink and dessert of your choice, at the Cartoon Café or El Rancho.
Menu valid 1 day. Mixed group is considered to consist of a minimum of 20 paying persons for any category