No se permiten cambios o anulaciones una vez confirmada la reserva.
Lea las recomendaciones de visita.
Horario de apertura otoño/invierno: de 10h a 15h.
Valid to access the venue on the day indicated on the voucher, adults from 11 to 64 years old, both included. It is necessary to present the printed voucher. Changes or cancellations are not allowed.
Valid to access the venue on the day indicated on the voucher, children from 5 to 10 years old, both included. It is necessary to present the printed voucher. Changes or cancellations are not allowed.
Valid to access the venue on the day indicated on the voucher, children from 3 to 4 years old, both included. It is necessary to present the printed voucher. Changes or cancellations are not allowed.
Valid to access the venue on the day indicated on the voucher, adults over 65. It is necessary to present the printed voucher. Changes or cancellations are not allowed.