Duración de la actividad: 1h 30 minutos.
Horario de la actividad: Marzo a Mayo: 09:30, 11:00, 13:00 Junio a Diciembre: 09:30, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 Se recomienda llevar, toalla, bañador, ropa y calzado cómodo. Incluye un paseo en lancha por el parque natural de Jandia, donde se podrán apreciar unas vistas panorámicas de la costa de Morro Jable y aprender sobre los delfines y las ballenas.
Entry valid for people over 12 years old. Duration of the activity: 1.5h. It is recommended to bring a towel, swimsuit, comfortable clothing and shoes. It includes a boat ride through the Jandia Natural Park, where you can see panoramic views of the Morro Jable coast and learn about dolphins and whales.
Ticket valid for children between 3 and 11 years old. Duration of the activity: 1.5h. It is recommended to bring a towel, swimsuit, comfortable clothing and shoes. It includes a boat ride through the Jandia Natural Park, where you can see panoramic views of the Morro Jable coast and learn about dolphins and whales.